We are thankful, first and foremost, to the generous and hardworking volunteers of the CVHS PTO.
Without the time and talent of these dedicated parents, then the First Annual CVHS CrashBash would have never happened.
CrashBash Committee Chair: Alison Moorhead
CrashBash Auction Chair: Yasi Lotfi
PTO Fundraising VP: Danielle Batchelor
PTO Special Events VP Jacky Rincon-Lopez
CrashBash Committee Members:
Maria Calzada, Eunice Chang, Kelli Fereday, Mala Gupta, Susan Galloway Hawes, Mary Mathias. and Ana-Maria Nicolae.
Thank-You to all our Families that paid to – Sponsor a Teacher or Staff Member (or several) to Attend!
Andreea Acevedo | Lori Bullwinkel | Maria and Paul Calzada | Kelli and George Fereday | Levent Gokdere and Ayse Mindikoglu | Laura Henry and Andrew Taylor | Naga Krishna and Samatha Kadiyala | Marlo Rooney and Steve Larkin | Ana-Maria and Constantin Nicolae | Tammira and Nicolas Philippe | Chris and Jennifer Pipkin | Aliya Tauzhanova and Dauren Polatbekov | Carrie and Neil Willard | Ed and Katy Wolff.
CVHS Teachers are second to none!
We want to express our gratitude for the amazing kindness and generosity of the donors who gave so many in-kind items & services to support CVHS PTO in order to make this Inaugural CVHS CrashBash a success.
It was truly heartwarming to see how much impact the Carnegie Family had on the cause. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out the auction website and taking note of all the wonderful Carnegie Family names and businesses that helped make a difference.
THANK YOU RHINO SUPPORTERS! -Maria Castro Calzada, CVHS PTO President 2023 CrashBash