NOVEMBER GENERAL PTO MEETING 11/18/2021 AT 7 PM by Maria Castro Calzada, PTO PRESIDENT · November 18, 2021 NOVEMBER-2021-General-Meeting-Agenda-MediaDownloadNOVEMBER-2021-General-Meeting-Agenda-Media-PAGE 1DownloadNOVEMBER-2021-General-Meeting-Agenda-Media-PAGE 2DownloadThursday, November 18, 2021Time: @ 7:00** PM CVHS PTO GENERAL MEETING! HYBRID In-Person and ZoomLocation: At Carnegie Vanguard HS IN THE CAFETERIA & Via ZOOMIn-Person Attendees: Respectfully, we ask that you wear masks and utilize the available hand sanitizers. Moreover, if you are unwell or unvaccinated *please* consider the well-being of our extremely busy Carnegie Students & Staff and join us via Zoom. Thank you!Join Zoom Meeting: IF the LINK does not work, COPY and PASTE this into your browser (and use the MEETING ID and PASSCODE below): ID: 883 8816 3201Passcode: 77019 GENERAL MEETING WILL BE FOLLOWED BY OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION! WE ARE VERY EXCITED TO WELCOME, OUR VERY OWN, MR. DONOVAN ROSA! College Readiness Specialist for CVHS/HISD, who will present to our PTO about the important topic of FINANCIAL AID immediately after we adjourn general business meeting (anticipated start time for program is 7:30 pm). Mr. Rosa’s Presentation Meet Mr. Rosa Share