Update: Here is the updated budget discussion document from the PTO meeting on February 21, 2019.
Important Budget Cut Announcement from Principal Moss
According to HISD, schools that exceeded enrollment goals will continue to help schools that did not reach enrollment goals. This year CVHS, planned to receive $691,000 for our increased population based on the overage of 182 students compared to last year’s enrollment data. Principal Moss was informed at a budget meeting, that first the estimate was reduced $20,000, so instead of $691,000, we would receive $671,000.
In addition, because we reached and exceeded our enrollment goals, we would only receive 75% of the dollars we expected, and 25% of our dollars would go to schools that failed to meet enrollment projections. Our new amount would be $503,250.
We budgeted for $691,000 and are receiving $503,250 (a difference of $187,750). Mr. Moss was recently informed that the deduction would be $196,000, without any additional information provided. He is awaiting further details / explanation. HISD has already taken away the school’s magnet status and dollars, and is considering cutting the promised small school $30,000 subsidy (pertains to high schools that have a population less that 1,000). No further explanation has been offered by the district and we have no idea if other schools are affected by the additional 25 percent. We also have no idea if this only pertains to CVHS, or if this is only a one-time deal.
The PTO Executive Board will meet with Principal Moss to discuss where we go from here and to form an action plan that we hope to deliver at our next CVHS PTO General Meeting, February 21 at 7:30 am, following our scheduled speaker, Benjamin Holloway founder of Apply with Sanity.