CrashBash – April 30th, Sunday

Crash Bash is a critical fundraising event for CVHS PTO.

a. Purchase your ticket for the event

b. Sponsor a teacher

c. Underwrite the event

d. Donate an auction item

e. BID for AUCTION items –

Missed out the first time around? Too busy killing it at darts to bid? Or, just a bargain-hunter? Then this Second Chance Auction is for you! Prices have been SLASHED! Help us get to our $15,000 goal, which funds scholarships, teacher appreciation, and much more. This LAST CHANCE auction will run through May 7th, 8 pm.

Click here for additional details regarding the event and Crash Bash letter

-We thank you for your donation!

Alison Moorhead, CrashBash Chair,

Danielle Batchelor, VP Fundraising & Development,

Jacky Rincon-Lopez, VP of Special Events,

If you have any questions or would like us to pick up your donated auction item(s), please contact our Crash Bash Chair, Alison Moorhead, @713 206 5453 or

Check out the fun experience when our PTO members visited Flight Club