September PTO Meeting
It was great seeing so many new and returning families at open house. The year is off to a great start and we hope we can count on the same crowd at each PTO general meeting. We noted the input from parents in our summer survey showed meeting time and content were critical to attendance, so our September 17th meeting will have a new format. We will have a social time from 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM. We’ve invited the freshman teachers to join us and mingle with parents. The senior class will be selling pizza and drinks, so bring the family! At 7:00 PM we will take a few minutes to handle any PTO business, then will have presentations from the freshman teachers on expectations. We will also have representatives from the Honors College at U of H joining us to discuss their program. Their topic “The Best of Both Worlds” (referring to small college within a big university) is sure to provide great information for parents. Rumor has it some CVHS alumni who are in the Honors program will also be available to answer questions. This local, cost friendly program has really shot up nationally in recent years, and lots of CVHS grads are taking note. We hope you’ll join us to hear some great information, and to talk with other Rhino parents. Joan Khosla |